....May 30th Issue . View in the browser ☕
Hi 👋

In this issue we learn camera basics and JavaScript through Biology, explore innovation in fashion industry, build creative blanket forts, make our own mobile apps without coding and more.

Let's dive in!

✍ 3 Creative Writing Exercises: How to Put That Zing-Kapow in Boring Business Content

Writing business content (emails, blogs, tweets) are a necessary evil. But let's be honest - it can be quite tedious to write. These fun and creative exercises help you take your writing, business or otherwise, to a new level.
If the words like Aperture, Shutter speed and ISO confuse you, you should watch this short series of videos to learn these fundamentals of photography. Find a few more awesome resources for photography including open courses here. P.S. Checkout these tutorials on the same channel too. 

🏰 6 creative ways to build a blanket fort

Ahhh … the good old days of blanket fort building and makeshift tents. IKEA Russia released “instructions” for furniture forts. And they look delightful.
🧬 Nature, in Code: Biology in JavaScript

Learn JavaScript programming by implementing key biological concepts in code including natural selection, genetics and epidemics. Who should take this course? Someone interested in learning programming, but bored by pure programming courses. Or someone who knows programming already, but want to learn biology through coding.

👮‍♂️ Learn SQL by solving crime cases
Ever tried to learn SQL, the query language that lets you poke at the innards of databases? SQL Police Department is an online game where you solve crimes using SQL (and learn SQL on the way).
📱 Make your own mobile apps without coding with Thunkable
Build your own apps by dragging and dropping your favorite components and connecting them together with blocks. Learn by making or follow this video tutorial. Make anything from fun games to your own private social media.
 👕 Innovation: the Fashion Industry
Take this fun and free course to understand how big fashion retailers innovate and discover the story behind a favourite piece of your clothing.
That's it for this issue. See you in two weeks' time.

Meanwhile, you can follow ShiftClick on Facebook or Twitter to get the resources which didn't make it to the zine. Or follow on Instagram for glimpses from behind the scenes. You can read past issues here. Or join our community of life long learners on Facebook. Got feedback? Send it in the mailbag.

Happy Learning!
My name is Naveera Ashraf , and I write and research this zine. I am a homeschooling mom, self taught developer, (I make web apps, bots, and eLearning content) and founder of Creative Melon.

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