....June 30th, 2021 Issue . View in the browser ☕
Hi <<First Name>> 👋

In this issue we learn how to make VR experiences and stop motion animations, and set up a home studio for photography, learn about Egyptian art and British mineralogy, play immune defense game and make some crafts.

Let's dive in!

📸 Set Up and Light a Home Studio

You don’t need a fancy studio to make beautiful photos inside. Whether you’re shooting an artfully composed still life or a new product, this guide will show you how to create a DIY setup using stuff you probably already have at home, then polish your images in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. 

🎢 Make VR Experiences With A-Frame

A-Frame is a popular open-source web framework for building virtual reality experiences in the web browser. It is based on top of HTML, making it super simple to get started. Learn A-Frame basics and then create your own.
🌍 Pyramids of Giza: Ancient Egyptian Art and Archaeology
Explore the archaeology, history, art, and hieroglyphs surrounding the famous Egyptian Pyramids at Giza in this edX course. Learn about Old Kingdom pharaohs and elites, tombs, temples, the Sphinx, and how new technology is unlocking their secrets.

🎥 Stop Motion Animation With Raspberry Pi

Make your own stop motion animation video using a Raspberry Pi, Python and a camera module to take pictures, controlled by a push button connected to the Pi’s GPIO pins.
🥌 British and Exotic Mineralogy

The British & Exotic Mineralogy is a collection of all 2,242 illustrations from James Sowerby’s compendium of knowledge about mineralogy in Great Britain and beyond, drawn 1802–1817 and arranged by color. One of the problems with STEM education is that it doesn’t include nearly enough art. Humans seem to find nature far more awe-inspiring when it’s mediated by painting, poetry, narrative, fine art photography, etc. We need more resources like this.

🧬 Immune Defense
Immune Defense is a strategy game about molecular immunology for big kids and grown ups. Players use various white blood cells to fight off real pathogens, using real surface proteins and signaling molecules. 
🧵 Crafts with Ellen
Learn to make stuff with Ellen, from wood working to sewing she makes wonderful stuff.
That's it for this issue. See you next month.

Meanwhile, you can follow ShiftClick on Facebook or Twitter to get the resources which didn't make it to the zine. Or follow on Instagram for glimpses from behind the scenes. You can read past issues here. Got feedback? Send it in the mailbag.

Happy Learning!
My name is Naveera Ashraf , and I write and research this zine. I am a homeschooling mom, self taught developer, (I make web apps, bots, and eLearning content) and founder of Creative Melon.

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