....March 30th, 2022 Issue # 17 . View in the browser ☕
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In this issue we learn web development, DIY bookbinding, logo design, and take a look at how human eye works, how big is our universe, play with interactive models of molecules, and make our own biological models.

Let's dive in!

👁️ How The Human Eye Works

Take a look at how human eye works in this detailed animated infographic. There is a lot of information to unpack with beautiful 3D images and animations. 

Also don't forget to take a look at other animated infographics on Animagraffs website.

🌠 Create a Vintage Logo T-Shirt Design in Photoshop

In this Photoshop tutorial learn how to easily create cool looking vintage logo designs by combining antique illustrations with some visually interesting text styles and layouts. This kind of artwork is really popular as T-shirt graphics, so learn how to set up your document at the appropriate size for a T-shirt design. 
🧬 Biological Modeling - A Free course in Modeling Biological Systems
Have you ever wondered why zebras have stripes? Have you ever wondered how your cells can quickly react to their environment and perform complex tasks without intelligence? Have you ever wondered how algorithms can be trained to “see” cells as well as a human?

What these questions share is that they can start to be answered by modeling biological systems at multiple “scales” of resolution, from the microscopic to the molecular.

In this free course, we will build models of biological systems that are relatively simple but nevertheless provide us with deep, fascinating insights into how those systems operate.

📔 DIY Bookbinding: Make a Sketchbook with a Cereal Box, Paper, and Thread

Stitch your own notebook or sketchbook together from scratch with help from this CBC Arts bookbinding video. Start with a cereal box, some waxed linen or thick cotton thread (or dental floss), blank paper, and some supplies that you probably have around the house: a permanent marker, a pencil, scissors, a metal ruler, a cutting mat, a glue stick, a utility knife (with supervision as needed), and a needle that’s sized for your thread.
🌌 How Big Is Our Universe?

In this BBC video Professor Brian Cox takes us on a journey from a small picnic on Earth... to the deepest depths of space over ten billion light years away ✨

P.S. Also watch Powers of Ten, a video created half a century ago taking a similar journey and compare it to the modern version to see how our understanding has changed.

⚛️ CanvasMol
CanvasMol is a website that provides 3D, interactive, rotating models of simple and complex molecules. There are more than fifty models of relatively common molecules like glucose, fructose, and morphine.
💡 Interneting Is Hard
Interneting is hard, but it doesn't have to be. This website offers friendly web development tutorials for complete beginners. What makes this site different is the 250 diagrams that present complicated HTML and CSS concepts in simple, visual ways.
That's it for this issue. See you next month.

Meanwhile, you can follow ShiftClick on Facebook or Twitter to get the resources which didn't make it to the zine. You can read past issues here. Got feedback? Send it in the mailbag.

Happy Learning!
My name is Naveera Ashraf , and I write and research this zine. I am a homeschooling mom, self taught developer, (I make web apps, bots, and eLearning content) and founder of Creative Melon.

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