....November 30th, 2021 Issue . View in the browser ☕
Hi <<First Name>> 👋

In this issue we learn to knit, animate using Procreate, Calculus, neural networks, and machine learning. We also go on a photo adventure game and more!

Let's dive in!

⭐️ How to Animate in Procreate 

Procreate is a powerful graphic editor app for sketching, painting, and animating, available for iOS and iPadOS. Learn how to animate in Procreate with this tutorial, a step-by-step process of creating a vibrant text animation.

👨‍💻 Neural Networks from Scratch

Learn more about neural networks with this interactive guide. This guide is targeted towards beginners and no prior knowledge is required. You can build a neural network step-by-step or just play with one.
💥 Museum of Annoying Experiences
The Museum of Annoying Experiences is a speculative and virtual museum highlighting some of the downright irritating things we endure.

This funny project visitors to click on different exhibits that examine our strange current reality. For example, there is one exhibit that talks about CAPTCHA tests. The verbiage for this exhibit calls them a “tricky line of questioning” designed by robots. The test asks humans questions about things they love. Like identifying fire hydrants.

💻 Calculus in 12 Hours

Calculus concepts are important to understand for many types of software development, for example when developing algorithms to model real-word phenomena, computer graphics, physics simulations, video games, and machine learning.

Free Code Camp's YouTube channel has posted a 12-hour college Calculus course. If you want to brush up on your college calculus, this playlist is ideal for you.
📸 TOEM - A Photo Adventure Game

In this fun game you set off on a delightful expedition and use your photographic eye to uncover the mysteries of the magical TOEM. 

🤯 Introduction to Machine Learning and AI
From self-driving cars to determining someone’s age, artificial intelligence (AI) systems trained with machine learning (ML) are being used more and more. But what is AI, and what does machine learning actually involve? 

Discover the fundamentals of machine learning, how it works, and learn to train your own AI using free online tools in this free online course.
🧶 Learn to Knit
Learn the basics of hand knitting in this free knitting class. Whether you’re an absolute novice or you want to refresh some rusty skills, this beginner class will get you going with four exciting and useful projects.
That's it for this issue. See you next month.

Meanwhile, you can follow ShiftClick on Facebook or Twitter to get the resources which didn't make it to the zine. You can read past issues here. Got feedback? Send it in the mailbag.

Happy Learning!
My name is Naveera Ashraf , and I write and research this zine. I am a homeschooling mom, self taught developer, (I make web apps, bots, and eLearning content) and founder of Creative Melon.

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