....September 30th Issue . View in the browser 
Hi *|FNAME|*

In this issue we make sourdough bread, build a 8-bit computer, play science games, create art with maths, solve murder mysteries, and more.

Let's dive in!

Material Adventure - A Board Game

Get your creative juices flowing by playing this off-screen board game. Material Adventure is an adventure game for humans and other materials. Together you set off on a journey in the hopes of discovering something interesting. The goal is to return from your adventure with an exciting story to share.

Build an 8-bit breadboard computer

Build a fully functional 8-bit computer from scratch using a breadboard and a bunch of wires by following this video guide.
🧪 TestTube Games
Educational games, in my opinion, should rouse curiosity, and foster discovery by exploration. Unfortunately, most of the educational games are just gamified worksheets, which I like to call chocolate coating the broccoli and despise them almost as much as regular worksheets.

But games like TestTube games are different. Rather than spoon feeding information it lets the player stumble upon nuggets of discovery, a truly delightful way of learning! Play games on a variety of topics such as electromagnetic fields, particle physics, gravity, forces and more.

 Artful Maths

Find tons of resources and ideas to learn and explore mathematical skills through art on this wonderful site. From origami and puzzle games, to lessons on Islamic art, there is a lot to explore on this site, so be prepared to spending tons of time here
Wild Sourdough

Whether your favorite bakery is currently closed and you need your bread fix, or because you are eager to learn more about the mysterious world of microbes, join the team at Robdunn Lab and make your own sourdough starter captured from wild microbes, learn about the science behind it, and share your experience.

A beginner's guide to After Effects
Learn the basics of motion graphics and animations with this beginner's tutorial for Adobe After effects. You can download Adobe After effects for free on one month trial. Also check out these tutorials by Adobe to get you started.
🕵️‍♂️ The SQL murder mystery
There's been a Murder in SQL City! The SQL Murder Mystery is designed to be both a self-directed lesson to learn SQL concepts and commands and a fun game for experienced SQL users to solve an intriguing crime.
That's it for this issue. See you in two weeks' time.

Meanwhile, you can follow ShiftClick on Facebook or Twitter to get the resources which didn't make it to the zine. Or follow on Instagram for glimpses from behind the scenes. You can read past issues here. Or join our community of life long learners on Facebook. Got feedback? Send it in the mailbag.

Happy Learning!

My name is Naveera Ashraf , and I write and research this zine. I am a homeschooling mom, self taught developer, (I make web apps, bots, and eLearning content) and founder of Creative Melon.

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